
Is it just me or are the days speeding up? You sit down at your desk on a Monday morning, and in what feels like a blink of an eye, it’s already Friday, and you’re preparing for the weekend. While you’ve accomplished many of your weekly goals, there may be some tasks that get pushed aside due to time constraints. Among them are those crucial website articles that need to be written and published as part of your content marketing strategy.

But here’s the thing: they can’t afford to wait. In today’s digital world, a strong online presence is essential and it goes beyond simply having a website. To truly stand out from your competitors, you need regular, high-quality content that resonates with and engages your target audience. Neglecting this vital aspect of your business could result in missed opportunities to attract new customers.

Once you’ve recognised that your website needs fresh, regular content that will place your business ahead of your competitors, you now need to execute your well-thought-out marketing plan. But, as stated above, you may struggle with time, have limited resources or maybe you’re not that confident in getting your message across to the masses.

And that’s perfectly fine. Normal, in fact. Trying to be a Jack of all trades can end with being a master of none. After all, you wouldn’t expect a dentist to run their own reception desk or a truck driver to design, plan and build a motorway, so why should a business owner write their own web content?

This is where you should hire a freelance writer to look after your web writing.

What is a Freelance Content Writer?

A freelance content writer dedicates their days to produce high-quality, well-researched and optimised content for your website, with a focus on your business and audience. They are experts in the written word and can adapt their style to suit any industry and publication. Whether you need blog writing, long-form articles or social media posts, content writers put their professional writing skills into action so you can take care of the other things your business demands.

The Benefits of Hiring a Content Writer

Working with a web content writer allows them to create the ideal words for your website. That’s not the only benefit, here are five more reasons why you should seriously consider hiring a freelance content writer and what they can do for your business.

They Help Enhance Your Website’s Credibility

Your website is usually the first point of contact for potential customers. They want to know if you’re trustworthy, legitimate and worth doing business with. Poorly written website content that contains errors or is unengaging creates a negative first impression that turns potential customers away. Your freelancer creates content that is professional, engaging, builds trust with and speaks the language of your target audience. This can be through blog posts, longer SEO articles, email newsletters and news sections that promote your products, achievements and even your staff.

They Understand How SEO Works

Google works in mysterious ways, as do other search engines, and getting content ranking high on search engines takes time and effort – it doesn’t just magically appear and requires a good amount of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to get it there. SEO is the process of optimising your website content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This process involves identifying keywords and phrases that your high-ranking competitors are using, and then writing your content around them. But you can’t just throw keywords in and forget about the quality of the work. They need to be incorporated seamlessly into the content so your article makes sense. They must also be used the right amount of times for search engines to pick up the content, but not too much that you’ll get blacklisted for keyword stuffing (yes, that is a real thing).

A Professional Content Writer Saves You Time

Creating high-quality content isn’t something that can be whipped up in an hour. Well, actually, it can but the chances are it won’t be very good. There’s the research to conduct, keywords to find, articles to write, and then the proofreading and editing. You’ve got all that to do as well as running your business, keeping customers and staff happy and dealing with any problems that arise throughout the day. Hiring a website content writer frees up your time and that of your staff, so you can focus on your business while your web content is being taken care of by another professional.

They’re Not As Expensive As You Think

It’s a fact of life that, when you hire someone to do a job, you’re going to have to pay them. Yet there’s a huge misconception that freelance writers charge massive fees for writing. But the truth is, they don’t charge as much as, say, an SEO agency, who will produce the same quality of work, yet charge much more. Why? Because an agency has more overheads and other staff to pay while a freelancer doesn’t. They only have themselves (and their taxes) so a freelancer will often charge much less. Also, an agency may use freelancers anyway, so it’s worth cutting out the middle people and going straight to the freelancer.

Freelancers Keep Things Fresh

A good freelancer takes the time to learn about and understand your business and your audience and in many cases, will be starting from scratch with a fresh pair of eyes. They cut the jargon and create content that’s easy to understand and resonates with your client base. They keep your audience engaged and up to date and always look for new angles to produce your content. If it doesn’t sound right one way, they find another direction to get your message across in ways that business owners wouldn’t think of (or don’t have time to think of).

Finding A Freelancer

Are you ready to take your website’s content to the next level? Don’t let time constraints and limited resources hold you back. At Hypnocat, we deliver exceptional content writing services tailored to your business. Our unique approach effortlessly blends expert keyword research, top-notch SEO techniques and captivating writing that speaks directly to your audience. Save time, keep your website fresh and engage your customers. Contact us now to discover how our services can help drive your business forward.


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